About Yard Card Ninjas

Hey There 👋- I’m Hanna!

I’ve worked in Picayune helping bring community events to life since 2020, when I first opened BomBoms.

Then I had a baby, so I had to buy a recycled children’s clothing store (now Sweet Magnolia Boutique & Resale) and renovated three buildings on W. Canal Street.

One of those buildings is now GumDrop Candy Shop and the other is Ellen Cookies. I highly recommend each of these businesses for your local needs!

I love sharing life’s celebrations with my community, which is why I bought Yune Yard Cards in September of 2023.

In four years of self-employment I’ve learned two tough lessons:

  1. I’m a terrible property manager
  2. I can’t do it alone.

So here’s some of my support system! I have a business partner, Lauren, who mostly supports the technical side of things from South Florida.

She also drives up here to organize yard cards and set up the physical processes when I need help, which is fantastic.

I have an incredible husband who sometimes makes a celebrity appearance staking yards LOL. My whole family is pretty darned great, too.

True story: I heard about this business because my nephew wanted a gig to supplement working his local part-time job.

So, of course, my nephew is the ninja you’ll see out & about in our community staking yards. He’s great at it… and he’s better at spacing the yard cards than I am! He’s also better at staying awake after dark as a senior in high school.

Want to donate to the Yard Card Ninja college fund?

Do you know a local student you recommend who can drive, self-manage, and work manual labor? It’s harder than it looks! If so, tell them to apply via email!

Thanks for checking out this page & supporting my family’s small business!